
Swiss canton’s rules for Fondue causes stir online

Swiss canton’s rules for Fondue causes stir online

A Swiss canton has stirred up netizens across the alpine nation after issuing guidance on how to prevent food poisoning when having Fondue Chinoise. Canton Aargau issued the warning to citizens, telling them to make sure that raw poultry is kept away from other types of meat.

Hilarity ensued when the canton then posted a picture of the “correct way” to prepare fondue, which showed raw poultry nestled between pork and beef - something Twitter users described as “the worst mistake you can make.” 

Canton Aargau warns citizens to be careful for Campylobacter bacteria

According to Blick, the canton wanted to warn citizens about the dangers of uncooked poultry when cooking a Swiss festive favourite - Fondue Chinoise. At this time of year, many people choose to have a fondue with their family and friends around Christmas, but many cases of food poisoning occur when the dish is not properly prepared. 

To combat this, the canton released an information flyer explaining how to prepare the dish correctly. According to their flyer, the “most important rule is the two-plate principle” - i.e, raw meat should not be mixed on the same plate as cooked meat, sauces or side dishes. 

Canton shared controversial fondue image on Twitter

The canton then shared their tips, alongside an image of the “correct” way to prepare Fondue Chinoise. While many appreciated the tips, most people were focused on the image shared by the canton: showing raw poultry alongside other meats despite advocating for the “two-plate principle.” 

Swiss canton justifies Twitter photo

“It is not a problem if different types of meat are arranged raw on a plate, as shown on the flyer. Campylobacter bacteria are mostly found in chicken, but are also found in pork, lamb or beef. The germs are killed by cooking in the boiling broth,” Michel Hassler, Head of Communications for the Department of Health and Social Affairs, told Blick.

However, Twitter users were not convinced. “The picture shows the biggest mistake you can make. Namely, put poultry with other meat on the same plate in the raw state”, said one user. 



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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