
Lucerne named one of the 10 best small cities to visit in the world

Lucerne named one of the 10 best small cities to visit in the world

From the stunning Chapel Bridge to the glistening lake, there are many reasons why Lucerne is a top place to visit. Now, this reputation has been recognised by none other than Forbes, with the magazine naming the Swiss city as one of the best small cities to visit in the world.

Forbes highlights lesser-known tourist destinations

Forbes explained that the list is designed to showcase the best places to visit outside the more commonly known tourist hotspots. The list's author, Ann Abel, noted that "anyone who’s been to Rome, Amsterdam or Lisbon lately knows that sharing beautiful places with a million other visitors isn’t all that much fun," and that many travellers are now craving places that aren't mobbed with tourists.

The ranking reflects a new mood in the travel industry. Recently, the Swiss travel ombudsman recommended tourists avoid the major hotspots because they are just too crowded, largely thanks to a boom in travel caused by the end of the COVID pandemic. 

Lucerne praised for landscape and architecture

In the ranking, Lucerne was given high praise for its “medieval architecture, views of snowcapped mountains and access to Lake Lucerne.” The jewel of central Switzerland was described as a “dream” for both those looking to hike and visit the most stunning views in the country, and the more sedate tourist who just wants to meander through the enchanting old town.

On Forbes’ bucket list, likely designed with the more jet-set traveller in mind, was to “book helicopter trips to view Mount Pilatus” - do you think they know that there’s a mountain railway that will take you right to the top? 

Nevertheless, this extremely pricey activity is apparently perfect for capturing “pristine views of the Swiss countryside” and engaging in famous “helicopter picnics”. These are where guests are taken to a remote part of a mountain and served food delivered by helicopter - again, a similar and cheaper option could be to take a packed lunch up to Rigi Kulm.

Park Hotel Vitznau is Forbes' hotel of choice

Continuing with the opulent theme, Forbes’ main hotel pick was the castle-like Park Hotel across the lake in Vitznau. The fairytale hotel was described as offering “excellent views, a luxurious spa and gourmet dining options.”

Lucerne finds itself among some very prestigious company on the Forbes list, with top destinations such as Braga (Portugal), Salzburg (Austria), Verona (Italy) and Ghent (Belgium) all featuring. To see what other “cool cities” are on the Forbes ranking, check out the official article.

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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