
The Böögg will be burnt in 2024: What Sechseläuten fans need to know

The Böögg will be burnt in 2024: What Sechseläuten fans need to know

Following the recent cancellation of the burning of the Böögg at Sechseläuten, many residents of Zurich may be wondering whether the explosive snowman would be burnt this year - and how the weather would be impacted by his continued presence. Now, authorities have confirmed that the Böögg will be burnt in 2024, just not in the Swiss metropolis. Here’s what you need to know:

Zurich Böögg burning at Sechseläuten cancelled

Thanks to extremely strong winds on April 15, authorities in Zurich cancelled the burning of the Böögg - the coup de gras of the local festival of Sechseläuten. A guild-run festival to celebrate the mediaeval switching of working hours to follow the clocks and not the sun, the burning of the Böögg snowman at Sechseläuten has been part of the festivities since 1902.

The news of the cancellation was met with tears from the organisers, as it is the first time since its introduction that the Böögg burning has not gone ahead - claims that the snowman failed to be burnt in 1923 were quickly disproven by the media. As its head is filled with explosives, the snowman was quickly taken off the pyre and moved away from prying eyes.

Failure to burn Böögg followed by winter chill

Others in Zurich - some ironically, some not - were worried about what the failed Böögg burning meant for the summer, as according to legend, the longer the snowman takes to burn and explode, the worse the summer will be. This wasn’t helped by the fact that the weeks following the cancellation saw freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall dominate the weather in Switzerland.

Luckily, soon after the event was cancelled, officials from the guest canton of Appenzell Ausserhoden launched into action. In what will please superstitious weather hawks across the country, they confirmed that the Böögg will meet its end in 2024, just not in Canton Zurich.

When and where will the Böögg be burnt in 2024?

In a statement, the canton confirmed that the Böögg will be burnt in the town of Heiden in Appenzell Ausserrhoden on June 22, 2024. With a stunning view of Lake Constance, the Streuliwiese near the town will be the site of the snowman’s demise.

Speaking to SRF, cantonal building director Dölf Biasotto explained that Heiden was chosen because it has good connections to public transport, is experienced in hosting large events, and has the most hotel rooms available in the whole canton. He promised that the event would include the Zurich guilds, guests and the Böögg, though they “don't expect to build a fire as big as [in] Zurich.”

Appenzell to welcome Zurich Sechseläuten fans

Victor Rosser from the Central Committee of Zurich Guilds told the broadcaster that “those who couldn’t live with the Böögg not being burned can certainly come to Heiden on June 22.” While the details of the event are yet to be confirmed, authorities promised that the celebrations will be freely accessible to locals and visitors, who will be able to celebrate the Böögg burning, “Albeit with a little delay”.

Thumb image credit: Michael Derrer Fuchs /

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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