
Fountains in Schaffhausen converted to heated spa pools for sauna event

Fountains in Schaffhausen converted to heated spa pools for sauna event

With the weather getting ever-colder and the nights drawing in, a community in Schaffhausen has come up with a novel way for residents and visitors to warm up and get outdoors, with the first-ever “Sauna Marathon” in Switzerland set to take place in the city. More than 35 different saunas, private baths, hot tubs and heated public fountains will be set up as part of the event, which will take place on November 17 and 18.

Old town of Schaffhausen transformed into a spa

This Friday and Saturday, the charming old town of Schaffhausen will be transformed into a spa town as part of the first-ever Sauna Marathon. The idea, taken from a similar event held in Estonia in February 2022, will see marathon participants pick up a sweat in a completely different way than usual.

For the event, 15 different stations will be set up, including 25 saunas and private baths, and more than 10 hot tubs and heated public fountains. Some of the locations will be set up in the main square of the town, while others will be up to participants to find. 

Sauna Marathon in Schaffhausen includes spa ship and beer pool

Some of the locations already announced include a number of spas and heated pools in the old town of Schaffhausen, the imposing Munot fortress, the Rhybadi and along the river, the new Stahlgiesserei district and the Arenenberg - which will be converted from Rhine cruiser to sauna ship for the occasion. Participants are asked to wear a swimsuit at all times, with changing rooms and toilets provided.

One of the highlights of the event will be the so-called “beer hotpot”, with participants able to immerse themselves in a vat of warm beer. The saunas will be open between 6pm and 10pm on November 17 and from 10am to 6pm on November 16. After that, a big party is planned at the Orient Nightclub.

Don't worry, it's not a race assure event organisers

For those worried about the name “marathon”, organisers were quick to say that participants should explore the spas at a leisurely pace and should treat the event as an exploration, not a race. For example, most of the stations will offer a cold beer or glass of wine to enjoy while in the water, along with local food and other produce. “The main thing is that it should be a pleasant occasion”, event organiser Manuel Gruber told 20 Minuten

Participants will also be given free public transport tickets for Schaffhausen and Neuhausen so that they are able to reach the event. For more information, check out the official website.

Thumb image credit: ArcusMatei /

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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