
Zurich and Winterthur begin to resist 30kmph speed limit plans

Zurich and Winterthur begin to resist 30kmph speed limit plans

Opinions are divided in Zurich and Winterthur regarding the introduction of a 30 km / h speed limit in the heart of two of the largest Swiss cities, with concerns being expressed that slowing down drivers could also hold up public transport and even cyclists on their daily commute. 

Concerns new speed limit rules could hold up buses and other vehicles

In a parliamentary group declaration, as a response to the annual report by the government of Zurich on the construction programme for state roads, the Federal Democratic Union's Hans Egli stressed the need for further discussions on the proposals for a 30 km / h speed limit in cities throughout Switzerland.

Egli, who is a cycling enthusiast, added that he would not be prepared to slow down and sit behind a bus in a 30 km / h zone, implying that public transport would be significantly slowed by the new speed limits, to the point where it would interfere with cycling. 

The government councillor for FDP.The Liberals, Carmen Walker Späh, added to the concerns of Egli, stating, "It's not just about the cost, but about the quality of public transport." She went on to say that the impact of a new, lower speed limit must be thoroughly investigated by the government to ensure no degradation of the quality of public transport in the region. 

Zurich councillors prepare a referendum to block lower speed limits

The FDP has already announced a popular initiative aimed at blocking the introduction of "Tempo 30" - the official name of the proposal - on the main traffic axes in the city of Zurich, despite the fact that both Zurich and Winterthur's councils are in already in favour of the measure in other parts of the country. 

Other politicians feel differently. The Green Liberal Party councillor, Andreas Hasler, expressed concerns about having too many different speed zones in cities, and suggested that councils should implement "Tempo 30" consistently on roads in all core areas. He went on to state that otherwise it could be “far too dangerous” for drivers to keep changing the limit from street to street.



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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