
Lausanne to build a brand new tramline

Lausanne to build a brand new tramline

After opposition from a number of groups, authorities and merchants in Lausanne have finally agreed to construct a brand new tramline connecting the district of Renens to the centre of Lausanne. The tramline is scheduled to be opened in late 2026. 

Initial objections from commercial circles in Lausanne

Initially, the plans faced much opposition from merchants and commercial circles in the city. These disputes centred around traffic concerns around the final stretch of the track, between rue de la Vigie and place de l'Europe. Thankfully, the government was able to reach an agreement with local businesses so that the project can now be given the go-ahead. 

Once completed, the new tram line will cover the 4,6-kilometre stretch between Lausanne-Flon and Renens Gare, serving the districts of Lausanne, Prilly, Renens and Crissier. 10 stations will line the route, with the new tramline expected to make a number of major streets tram only. Cantonal and federal authorities have given the project a budget of 367 million Swiss francs.

Lausanne tram to transport 13 million passengers a year

The Lausanne tramway is expected to transport 13 million passengers a year between Renens and Lausanne when it comes into operation, with each tram set to hold 300 passengers. The project also hopes to encourage more people to use public transport in Switzerland, rather than driving, which authorities argue is beneficial when it comes to attempting to cut emissions in the city. 

Image: / U__Photo



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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