
MBA programs in Zurich

MBA programs in Zurich

Studying for an MBA in Zurich is a logical step for many executives - both expats and Swiss - after a certain number of years in their career field. Here are links to full-time and part-time Master of Business Administration programs offered by universities and business schools in Zurich.

  • SBS Swiss Business School is a Swiss state-accredited management institution dedicated to preparing students for the careers of the global economy. We provide students with a special set of skills to identify and creatively solve problems, add value and contribute to business and organizations. Find out more about our part-time on campus Personalized MBA and Executive MBA (Once a month - Friday to Sunday) as well as about our Online MBA. Ongoing enrollment.


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  • CEIBS – Zurich Institute of Business Education

    The China Europe International Business School offers two Executive MBA programmes at its campus in Zurich. The Global Executive MBA focuses on developing managerial and leadership skills, while the Hospitality EMBA combines a top-level business education with hospitality management.

  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences – School of Management and Law

    The accredited ZHAW School of Management and Law offers students a MBA in real estate management and an international executive MBA, alongside its standard MBA programme. Perfect for students looking for a holistic business education, while specialising in the real estate industry.

  • HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich

    HWZ offers two Executive MBA programmes, specialising in marketing and general management. Students undertake a state-of-the-art business education, preparing them for a career in management.

  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

    The Executive MBA at ETH Zurich is run in collaboration with the University of St. Gallen. This course facilitates students’ professional and personal development, while teaching how to find the value of integrating technology and management.

  • Strathclyde Business School

    Strathclyde Business School has been accredited by three different MBA associations, making it part of the prestigious “Triple Crown” group of business schools. Alongside a traditional MBA, students can also elect to study the exclusive Strathclyde MBA.

  • University of Zurich

    The University of Zurich offers two Executive MBA programmes, one in international management and the other in digital transformation. Both programmes provide students with the opportunity to learn abroad, with learning expeditions to the US, China and Israel.

  • Robert Kennedy College

    The Robert Kennedy College offers a plethora of online MBA courses to choose from. With over 20 specialisations to choose from, RKC allows students to find the right MBA course for them, and study at a time that suits them.

  • Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland

    The Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences boasts an extensive range of specialisations for its MBA and EMBA courses. Students can choose the course which best suits their career ambitions and study in flexible and professional environment.