
Switzerland launches new Democracy Passport

Switzerland launches new Democracy Passport

Switzerland has launched a new Swiss Democracy Passport, an educational guide to politics and direct democracy for other nations.

Passport made to educate the world on Swiss direct democracy

Designed in the same style as a Swiss passport, the 48-page brochure was published by the Swiss Democracy Foundation. It aims to teach people around the world how the government works in Switzerland. The creators of the book said they wanted to counter some “widespread misunderstandings” about the Swiss government and Swiss agencies.

The book contains a full explanation of how democracy works in Switzerland, from the role of politicians in the city of Bern to referendums, and how policy is crafted by each canton. The book has the full support of the government, with a foreword by Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis saying that "Switzerland, in accordance with its constitutional mandate to promote democracy globally, will continue to actively support citizens’ participation in political decision-making."

Democracy Passport reinforces Swiss values and beliefs

Cassis said in an interview with Swissinfo that Switzerland had to be firmer in defending Swiss interests and values around the world, claiming that direct democracy increases support for decisions made by the government, ensures that compromises must always be made on divisive issues and that all people are given a voice on policy.

The Swiss Democracy Passport will be distributed throughout the world, with 2.000 copies going to Swiss embassies. The project was fully funded by the government and the city of Lucerne, which will host the ninth Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy in September 2022. President of the Swiss Democracy Foundation, Adrian Schmid, said that the passport was a “toolbox,” where the instruments of direct democracy could be used by anyone around the world.

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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