
Poll finds people in Switzerland believe fathers should work more than mothers

Poll finds people in Switzerland believe fathers should work more than mothers

A study undertaken by a research institute in Zurich has found that fathers in Switzerland believe they should work more than mothers in order to provide for their children. The study also found that most people in Switzerland believe they work too much, with many showing a clear preference for a four-day week.

Both sexes believe fathers should work more than mothers

The Sotomo research institute’s study suggests that families that have fathers as the main "breadwinners" are still popular, despite the changing shape, size and composition of family structures in Switzerland. According to their data, Sotomo claims that mothers in Switzerland work an average of 55 percent of possible working hours, while fathers work around 91 percent of hours. 

Both sexes agree that the ideal workload for fathers with school-age children is around 80 percent of working hours. The study found small differences of opinion when it comes to the workload of mothers, though.

Women in Switzerland believe that mothers of school-age children should work 60 percent of hours, while men believe that mothers working at 50 percent capacity is sufficient. Women also believe that mothers of very young children should maintain a 50 percent workload, but men believe this percentage should be lower still, at 45 percent.

Switzerland’s workers want a four-day week

However, most people surveyed were not in favour of increasing the working hours of mothers in order to lessen the impact of the skilled worker shortage in Switzerland. Many respondents said they would support giving more working hours to childless people instead.

An issue on which many people seem to agree on is that people in Switzerland work too much. Two-thirds of people surveyed said they believe that people in Switzerland work too much and many people said that they would prefer a four-day working week. 



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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