
People in Switzerland love consuming culture, study finds

People in Switzerland love consuming culture, study finds

A survey has found that people in Switzerland are indulging in even more culture like theatre, concerts and museums, as well as traditional TV and radio. People's engagement with both high and popular culture has increased significantly since the 1970s.

Survey studied “high culture” and “popular culture”

The survey analysed 12 cultural activities, of which six were classed as “high culture” and the others as “popular culture'', and asked respondents which events they would prefer to attend or participate in. High culture events included events and festivals such as theatre performances, music concerts and visits to museums and historical sites. Popular culture included watching TV, listening to the radio or attending sports events. 

In all, the survey found that 40 percent of people in Switzerland enjoy a mixture of high and popular culture, followed by a third who enjoy high culture alone and a third that claim that they are "inactive in cultural activities."

Most Swiss people are “cultural eclectics”

Over the decades, the country’s interest in culture has increased. According to the survey, while cultural "inactivity" characterised people's attitudes in the 1970s, the culturally “eclectic” (those who consume a mixture of both high culture and popular culture) dominate the survey today. 

The survey found that older people are more likely to take an interest in high cultural activities, while a person's level of education made little difference to their cultural preferences. Out of all factors, age made the most difference in determining cultural interests.



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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